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SKU: GHK-M4-09

GHK Original Parts - M4 Replacement Part ( No.M4-09 )

$42 HKD

GHK Original Parts - M4 Replacement Part ( No.M4-09 ) 는 예약 주문/선주문 중이며 재고가 확보되는 대로 배송됩니다.

Backorder / preorder will take about 1-2 months, subject to availability.

  • Original replacement parts

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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review

It is possible to fit into VFC HK416-M4 GBBRs and also possible to fit into WA-system. You need to cut down only of leg and file the other one a bit. In VFC you need to file two0 line to let it fit into the barrel extension.

I got much better result with this chamber and the GHK's rubber in VFCs and WA-systems.

I highly recommend to use this setup with a good quality AEG-type inner barrel!