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MAPLE LEAF PEW Modular Barrel Extension / Spacer - Main Body

$147 HKD

Modular Suppressor / Spacer continues the previous product "Silent Whisperer" function of silencer compartment/inner tube holder, and adds the function of increasing or decreasing the length at will
  • No need for silencer tube body, this product can be used separately
  • Need to match with CCW-14mm counter-thread adapter, which can be used with most toy gun outer tube screws (sold separately)
  • CW-16mm orthodontic adapter is required, which can be used with Tokyo Marui SOCOM MK23 pistol/FNX-45 pistol/HK-45 CT pistol (sold separately)
  • It needs to be used with a special cap (a separate retail)
  • It can also be directly connected to the VSR-10 outer tube, and used as the MLC-338/VSR-10 outer tube to extend the silence section
  • Two O-rings are included for fixing the inner tube extension

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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review

Es perfecto para hacer un pequeño trazador con el modelo acetech C, hice una modificación y funciona bien. Así queda un trazador pequeño y diferente, con la longitud deseada.